Project Description

IT Process Analyst

JUN 2014 – AUG 2014

– Reduced support ticket bounce rates & optimized the password management customer experience
– Acted in business analyst roles on Lean Six Sigma teams to define strategy & project goals
– Analyzed web interfaces, tested support processes & end-user experience
– Led stakeholder meetings & Kaizen events, gathered operational improvement requirements
– Reduced the bounce rate of key ITS software service tickets from 43% to 25%
– Reduced ITS password-service tickets from 36% to 19%, below the industry standard of 25%

Major Projects
Kaizen Events
Processes Optimized
Team Members Coached

Let’s build something together.

I love meeting new people and learning from new ideas. My interests are FinTech, Open Banking, UI / UX Design, and Fast Cars. Let’s grab a cup of coffee and change the world.